The Crowds Jesus Drew

Rembrandt: Jesus The tax collectors and the sinners were all seeking the company of Jesus to hear what he had to say, and the Pharisees and the scribes complained.
Gospel reading Lk 15,1

Today’s reading is so familiar that I started skimming it rather than reading. Realizing what I was doing, I slowed down and began again. What struck me was the first line. What “type” of people gathered to hear Jesus? Outcasts, fringe types not the usual “temple” types it seems, at least from the reaction of the Pharisees and scribes.

What was Jesus saying that attracted such a crowd? He must have been speaking about things that mattered to them. Perhaps words of hope, compassion, understanding. Probably not words that piled more burdens on hearts already weary and tired. I wonder if those that gathered were surprised and pleased to find a rabbi who went out of his way to talk to them. Someone who didn’t mind their appearance or their lack of social status.

Who would be pressing to hear Jesus if he walked our streets today? What would he be saying?

The taxpayers and sinners sought his company. Jesus was someone they felt comfortable being with. Would they be comfortable with me? Would I be comfortable with them?

What draws us to Jesus? What does he say that speaks to our hearts? What do we have in common with those in today’s reading?

Lots of questions from pondering one line of today’s gospel.

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