With Gratitude for Jimmy Carter

With Gratitude for Jimmy Carter

I celebrated the election of Jimmy Carter with fellow students, faculty, and administrators of a theological school, munching Southern ham biscuits in the student lounge. Following the presidencies of Nixon and Ford, President Carter and Rosalynn walked hope and joy into the national psyche as they stepped out of their car and made their way to the White House on foot. 

Those 48-year-old memories still evoke hope and deep respect for the man. In stark contrast to the incoming administration that thrives on divisiveness, revenge, and the pursuit of wealth and power, Jimmy Carter was all about service. 

Recently I read two articles that provided insight into the exceptional life and character of President Jimmy Carter.

The first was Samatha Power’s New York Times opinion piece, “Samatha Power: The Conscience of Jimmy Carter.” In it she noted that Carter often quoted Jesus in Matthew 25:40 saying that whatever we fail to do to the least among us, we fail to do to him. 

Human Rights

Inspired by profound faith, President Carter worked tirelessly, during and after his presidency, to promote human rights at home and around the world. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 “… for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development.”1

In her opinion piece, Power outlines the central role human rights played in Carter’s foreign policy. He followed the dictates of his conscience, not political polls. He was the first president to publicly support a Palestinian State. He brokered a peace between Egypt’s Anwar Sadat and Israel’s Menachem Begin. His public denunciation of South Africa’s apartheid was the first for a U.S. president. 

 January 14, 1979, President Carter accepted the Martin Luther King Jr. Nonviolence Peace Prize at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Image Credit: Jimmy Carter Library

Civil Rights

He grew up in a predominately Black area in rural Georgia and saw first-hand the effects of racism and the courage of those who worked to end it. Martin Luther King, Sr. was a close friend and inspiration. Beginning as a State senator, Carter worked to increase the presence of Black Americans, people of color and women in judicial and government positions. He appointed more African Americans, Hispanics, and women to these positions than all previous presidents combined.2 He also worked to increase fair election practices. As Governor of Georgia, he announced “The time for racial discrimination is over.” He signed the Refugee Act into law in 1980 and welcomed hundreds of thousands of Cuban refugees to our shores. 

Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter working on building homes in D.C.’s Ivy City neighborhood for World Habitat Day 10.1.2010 Photo: Sammy Mayo, Jr. – HUD

Habitat for Humanity 

Carter’s understanding of human rights included the right to food, shelter, health, and education.3 He worked with Habitat for Humanity, along with Rosalynn, building houses, even in his 90s! (I read the book The President Builds a House to my children at dinner one evening, exposing them to a role model and to the truth that helping others is a responsibility we all share, regardless of social position.)

Women’s Rights

He was long a vocal advocate for women’s rights, and he cut ties with the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000, citing the church’s rigid stance on women’s roles both in the home and in church leadership. In 2009 he wrote an essay addressing his action, “Losing My Faith over Equality.” In 2014 he published a book, A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power. (Jimmy Carter wrote over 30 books including poetry and children’s books.)

Jimmy Carter tries to comfort 6-year-old girl at Savelugu Hospital in Ghana as Carter Center assistant dresses her extremely painful Guinea worm wound 2007 credit: The Carter Center
Former President Jimmy Carter tries to comfort young girl at Savelugu Hospital in Ghana as Carter Center techinical assistant dresses her extremely painful Guinea worm wound. 2.8.2007 Image Credit:The Carter Center

The Carter Center

In 1987, he and Rosalynn founded The Carter Center to promote human rights, democracy, and disease prevention. Along with other organizations (including the United States Agency for International Development where Samantha Power is the administrator) the Carter Center helped reduced cases of the Guinea worm that caused millions of deaths in the 80s and only 13 in 2023. The Carter Center also has all but eliminated the scourge of river blindness.

Foreign policy


According to Power, Carter “… was the first American president to elevate environmental conservation to a global concern.”4 Carter recognized the human right to clean air and water and the need to protect the environment. He installed solar panels on the West Wing of the White House, providing power to heat the water. (They were removed by President Ronald Regan.) He created 39 new park sites including 13 in Alaska, and in 1980 he signed the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act that provided protection for over 100 million additional acres in Alaska.5

President Carter bdeing briefed on preparations for fist space shuttle launch at Kennedy Space Center 10.1.1978 Image Credit: NASA


An engineer as well as a peanut farmer, Carter approved money for the floundering NASA shuttle program. Skeptical, but not wanting to waste money already spent on the program that was years behind schedule and well over budget, he approved millions of dollars and saved the project. His decision was not popular, but in the long run it enabled the creation of the International Space Station (ISS), which today remains a center of scientific inquiry and international cooperation. Shuttles also delivered large payloads into orbit, perhaps most well-known, the Hubble Space Telescope. 

In 1977, Carter recorded a message of peace and hope on the Voyager Golden Records included on both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. (His message was also included in printed form.) The records carry information about life and culture on earth including science, music natural sounds, and spoken greetings to any extraterrestrials who might find and decode it. Amazingly, both spacecraft are still traveling, now in interstellar space.

 A copy of the Presidential Proclamation of July 16 – July 24, 1979, as the “United States Space Observance” signed by President Carter hangs over the desk of a NASA engineer I know. Besides the proclamation, the letter contains Carter’s appreciation of NASA’s work, the importance of space in daily communications and monitoring earth’s environment. He wrote that continued exploration held promise for “… the wiser management of our planetary resources, for the expansion of knowledge and for the development of civilization.” (Today, astronauts on the ISS and hundreds of satellites are monitoring our environment, giving us a more complete picture of the state of earth’s climate and resources.)

Faith and Being Salt

You may know all these things. It’s difficult to list the all good he has done. His persistence in pursuing policies and actions that contributed to the well-being of all people was rooted in his faith. 

Which brings me to the second article “Why Does Salt Matter,” by Debie Thomas in the Center for Action and Contemplation’s Daily Meditations. I have a saltshaker sitting beside my pepper mill, but Debie Thomas reminds us that historically, salt was precious and used for much more than seasoning food. It was used medicinally as a disinfectant, to staunch bleeding, and to treat skin diseases. She points out that when Jesus called his followers “salt of the earth,” he likely had this broader sense in mind. Of course, salt used in excess can ruin a dish, overwhelming the flavor. In Debie’s words: “Salt doesn’t exist to preserve itself; it exists to preserve what is not itself… Salt is meant to enhance, not to dominate. Christian saltiness heals; it doesn’t wound. It purifies; it doesn’t desiccate. It softens; it doesn’t destroy…”6

Her reflection was published two days after Carter’s death, and as I read, he immediately came to mind. Jimmy Carter was salt. The best kind. His faith was the bedrock of his life and his actions. While today the label “Christianity” is sometimes used by those whose actions don’t reflect Jesus’ example, Jimmy Carter’s life and actions did – before, during, and after his term as president. 

He was salt. He was the city on the hill, the light on a stand. He and his wife left a legacy of love and service and faith that touched and inspired people around the world. I am one. And I am deeply grateful.


1 The Nobel Peace Prize 2002

2 Presidential Campaign and the Carter Presidency The Carter Center This is an excellent summary of Carter’s presidency. Other aspects of Carter’s life and legacy can be found on The Carter Center site.

3,4 The Conscience of Jimmy Carter by Samantha Power

5 Jimmy Carter’s conservation legacy

6 Why Does Salt Matter? by Debie Thomas

Jesus, Servant-King

Jesus, Servant-King

Even with my usual activity restricted by an ever-worsening pandemic, time has passed quickly for me. The liturgical year is drawing to a close this Sunday with the Feast of Christ the King. Then the new year begins with Advent.  

I’ve never warmed up to the image of Christ the King. “King” has too many political overtones. Images of a stern king enthroned and bedecked in robes and a gleaming crown, maybe with one hand grasping a scepter, a symbol of power, have put me off. It seems an odd segue into the celebration of the ongoing Incarnation and the remembrance of Jesus’s birth in poverty.

Kings and kingship have a long history, including the Judeo/Christian tradition. Samuel resisted the people’s desire to have a king. Their reasoning – because everyone else has one – seemed shaky. But a king they got, for a while.

I suppose there have been genuinely good kings (and queens) over the centuries, but the associated trappings of power and wealth are hard to overlook. And they do tend to corrupt.

In his lifetime, Jesus resisted the title of king, and when people clamored to make him one, he made himself scarce. Of course, the “kingdom of God” is central to his message. But it is a kingdom unlike any earthly kingdom: there is room for all. It isn’t observable. It’s a work in progress, and the progress depends on the people.

It isn’t about exteriority but what’s in the heart, for that is where the kingdom resides, where the Word is spoken and takes root and grows. The signs of the kingdom are love, service, joy, peace, willingness to suffer for the good of others. God sows this Word-seed in human hearts. It has power to grow and transform every person and, through them, works to transform the world.

In our particular time and place in a world ravaged by pandemic and political turmoil, the call is to follow this Servant-King. The power to be wielded is that of Love, prayer, and service.

The kingdom is both/and. Already here and yet to come. “Already here” because the Holy One has placed a bit of Divinity in everyone. “Yet to come” because it must grow with cooperation and surrender.

The kingdom is Presence and Possibility. All creation exists in the embrace of the Christ – “The soul is in God and God in the soul, just as the fish is in the sea and the sea in the fish.” (St. Catherine of Siena) All creation, including human beings, is becoming – “Above all, trust in the slow work of God.” (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin)

It is a servant-king that Jesus modeled. He didn’t sit on a throne or live in opulence or control with commands or hang out with those in power. He didn’t have a place to rest his head. He led by example. The poor and marginalized where his companions.

Jesus was a man of both action and prayer. He preached, healed, fed, walked, and sat with others. And when he prayed, he didn’t sit in a privileged place but more likely on a rock in the wilderness.

In our particular time and place in a world ravaged by pandemic and political turmoil, the call is to follow this Servant-King. The power to be wielded is that of Love, prayer, and service. Jesus provides the job description in Sunday’s gospel. When he does “sit on his glorious throne,” the criteria for judgement is love in service. Did you feed the hungry and give drink to the thirsty? Did you clothe the naked and visit the prisoners? What did you do to open yourself to Love and then give it away?

If I were asked to create an image of Christ the King, it would be of a person busy taking care of others. Ordinary attire would replace robes and crowns. The scepter would be gone, and if a hand was free at all, it would hold a shepherd’s staff or maybe food to be given away, a stethoscope, a cooking pot, seeds, a pen, a book, a brush. Whatever one needs to be who they are created to be. To do their work in bringing the kingdom.

Papier-mache mask
Artist: Laurie VanBalen

©2020 Mary van Balen