By Laura Grace Holtsberry
Take a moment and if there happen to be a few people around you, or maybe you can take time to remember the images of those you know, or maybe try this exercise the next time you can be with your friends; stop and study the faces and the bodies of all those you see. It should not take long to discover how incredibly different they are. We may be similar in many ways but there is no mistaking how incredibly unique each and every person is. This uniqueness even extends into family groups even to those who are identical twins.
However, as you look at them, even upon those voices that are so familiar to you, do you really know them? As we look upon their bodies, their outward appearance, and as we listen to the sound of their voices, we make so many decisions about a person’s worth, their roles and how we shall treat them. Yet to be honest, what we see tells us very little about who this person really is. We see what they want us to see, and if what we see is what we expect to see, then we will pay scant attention to anything else. I am reminded of the Eddy Arnold lyric made famous by Ray Charles “You’re just a friend, that’s all you’ve ever been, but you don’t know me”